As environmental educators we are best placed to offer vital support to the children, young people, families and schools we work with. We need to support ourselves and each other to build resilience to meet unimaginable change.
This workshop is for adults working in the field of environmental education, who would like information, support and practical tools to build climate resilience into their organisation and practice. It is for those who recognise the urgent need to adapt to a changing world and would like a framework of thinking and action.
This workshop will offer three perspectives on developing an organisational climate strategy:
Climate Resilience
o The neurobiology of human thriving and its roots in childhood
o Growing strength and flexibility through relationships based on emotional warmth
o Understanding and responding skilfully to eco anxiety in young people
Climate curriculum
o Getting clear on what children need to learn now to prepare them for the future
o Teaching about climate change without causing trauma
o Reviewing and updating the learning that your organisation offers
Climate action
o Staying engaged and active in this quickly changing situation
o Modelling positive and meaningful action with the young people you work with
o Developing a climate action strategy in your organisation
“studies among children have demonstrated that they experience an additional layer of confusion, betrayal, and abandonment because of adult inaction towards climate change.”
Young People's Voices on Climate Anxiety, Government Betrayal and Moral Injury: A Global Phenomenon. Caroline Hickman, Elizabeth Marks et al
Recent reports from the IPCC and the University of Bath are showing that young people are feeling overwhelmed and preoccupied by the impact of climate change, and that they are feeling betrayed by the adults around them. The education system is slow to change and is not offering young people what they need. The environmental education community is ideally placed to take a stand on this urgent issue. We can step up and meet the challenge to stand alongside children and young people and give them the best chance possible.